Thanks to the foreigners

Perhaps, you are emigrants from The Netherlands or you use the translate-modus to read my blogs. Anyhow, as I am grateful for readers abroad, the least I can do is take some effort to write in a more known language in order to thank you for reading.

It has been a journey to stop publishing my blogs on Facebook, as the biggest amount of readers reached my blogsite via this channel. As times and needs change, the personal reason to stop there was more important to me than growing numbers on my blog Lentepret. Though writing will always be my love and I kept doing it, despite the decreasing numbers in the first years. I am still using Instagram and Twitter to announce new blogs. These two channels are more applicable to me as a person, more new people, more news, more interesting highlights, less people selling their lives. I recently read a big amount of people are looking at possibilities to the transition to the joy of missing out in stead of the fear of missing out. I can honestly say that the first period was like leaving an addiction behind and rebuilding my real social life. 'It became more to live from the inside instead of exposure to the community. I am very happy and will never re-open my account.

But now... readers from Taiwan, Argentina, United States, Europe, Russia, Indonesia, Kroatia and a lot more countries, I don't know how you found Lentepret but I am flattered to see you are reading a lot and became a bigger group than the dutch readers in my own country. You confirmed being true to myself paid of in writing for people who really want to read my blogs. You made my biggest dream come true!

Thank you very much and I hope your biggest dream will be in the presence soon.



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